I've got a lot of stuff i like laying around, from art i've commissioned, to game clips, to memes i like, to edits im probably a little too proud of. so here's a bunch of em
click on any image to view the artist/source

the first profile pic i used! well technically there was a boy one first but cmon look at my website, im not posting it here. i really like the style of this splatoon picrew tbh

this is the second main profile pic i've had. used it for a good while there. i really like this style tbh, i should find the artist's info and comm them or something

my memory's fuzzy, but i think this is the first piece of art i commissioned! it was based on my second picrew over there. honestly its kinda funny how a random picrew turned into my fursona through a bigol game of telephone

the first thing i commissioned my friend kp for!
i think i paid for this with a valorant gift card lmao

im pretty sure this is the first time i commissioned somebody i didnt already know. she's such a little greeble here /pos

a friend of mine just randomly doodled my oc one day, and idk its nice :)
i dont think it got posted anywhere, now that i think about it

i loved that last comm so much i almost immeidately went ahead and got a full ref sheet!!
...only to use it exactly once before getting a fursona lmao
i commissioned this guy for my minecraft skin, and honestly good work i'd recommend. however he DID take a good few months to get around to me after payment, with basically no communication. so maybe not

one day my friend kp just offered to shittily draw people fursonas. i jokingly asked for one and now here we are

after seeing that last image i immediately commissioned kp for something higher effort. i think its *really* funny that up until this point i was adamantly denying being a furry. but now, just look at me!

i commissioned this from kp (again (god i have given her so much money)) as a christmas present for my friend luke, of my fursona giving their sona a present. and i just think it's nice :3

one time i was playin spelunky on stream with kp, so she drew up this little pngtuber for me to sit on her stream layout :3
also cant remember why this exists. but my fursona's got a sweater on here she's not had before or since and i kinda dig it
two people in me and luke's friend group, wuhu and yeast, REALLY dont like me for some reason (i'm pretty sure its *MOSTLY* a bit). so one day they decided to joint commissioned luke to draw me getting flatted by yeast's mii

the latest thing i've commissioned from kp (for now), this reference sheet! i really like how it turned out, with all the cute little outfits and the items i'll usually carry on me.

i jokingly complained about how nobody has drawn my fursona with big titties, so crys decided to take matters into her own hands hdfjkshf

a suprise early birthday gift from my friend emilia, a commission from her friend of my fursona!

(something about this gif and different apps/platforms fucks it up, it might look weird and compressed on your device)